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When did iRobot first become a publicly traded company? What was its IPO price?
iRobot Corporation went public on November 9, 2005. iRobot's IPO priced at $24.00 per share.
Who were the managing underwriters for the iRobot IPO?
Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, First Albany, Needham & Company, LLC and Adams Harkness were the managing underwriters for the IPO.
How many shares of iRobot are outstanding?
There were 23,286,889 shares of common stock outstanding immediately after the completion of the IPO. As of January 27, 2023, there were 27,423,694 shares of common stock outstanding.
Does iRobot expect to pay a dividend?
iRobot does not anticipate paying dividends on its common shares in the foreseeable future.
Does iRobot have a direct share purchase plan?
iRobot does not offer a Direct Share Purchase Plan.
How can I receive information on iRobot such as SEC filings and press releases?
To receive iRobot investor information, select the “e-mail alerts” link on the Investor Relations navigation bar and sign up.
In what year and in what state was iRobot Corporation incorporated?
iRobot Corporation was incorporated in 2000 in Delaware.
Where is iRobot headquartered?
iRobot’s principal executive offices are located in Bedford, Massachusetts.
Who are iRobot's independent accountants?
iRobot's independent accountants are PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, 101 Seaport Blvd, Boston, MA 02110, (617) 530-5000.
Who is iRobot's legal counsel?
iRobot’s primary outside counsel is Goodwin Procter LLP, 100 Northern Ave., Boston, MA 02110, (617) 570-1000.
Who is the transfer agent?
All stock certificate-related questions regarding ownership of iRobot stock, such as lost certificates, change of address, etc., should be addressed to iRobot’s transfer agent, Computershare Trust Company, Inc., P.O. Box 505000, Louisville, KY 40233, Shareholder Services (800) 962-4284; International +1 (781) 575-3120.
What is iRobot's CUSIP number?
iRobot’s common stock CUSIP is 462726-10-0.
How can I contact iRobot with questions?
Please contact iRobot’s Investor Relations at (781) 430-3003 or email inquiries to investorrelations@irobot.com.